Monday 9 March 2015

I have a ton of musical tracks belonging to a wide variety of genres. My approach to music has always been very 'open', absorbing sounds emanating from different horizons, never judging, often trying to imbibe the culture/religion to which it belongs. Over the years, listening to music has come to occupy an important place in my daily life, and as I quite often multitask, some tune or the other often plays in the background. Listening so often to such a diversity of musical genres has made me a more tolerant human being, which is a virtue I wish to spread around, thus the name of the blog.  Through this blog, I thus hope to expand your, shall we say, 'musical range' and acquaint you with other cultures than your own. In return, I hope some of you will contribute to expand my own musical knowledge and thus, together, we can create a better place for all of us to live in.